Nominations open for Hamilton leaders
Now is your chance to give local politics a go and have a say in the future of Hamilton city.
Nominations for candidates wishing to stand in this year’s local authority elections have now opened.
Hamilton city Electoral Officer Jude Pani says anyone wishing to stand as a candidate for Hamilton City Council should get their nominations in now.
Nominations close at noon on Friday 16 August.
"We are encouraging anyone who wants to make a difference in the local community to stand. After all, local government and local democracy are fundamental to our society giving the opportunity for everyone’s voice to be heard. Mayors and councillors exercise a leadership role in our city and represent the views of the community.
"We need a range of elected members of different ages, ethnicities and backgrounds to ensure our council represents the diversity of our community. Anyone over the age of 18 can stand for election as long as they are a New Zealand citizen and enrolled to vote."
A candidate information evening will be held on Tuesday 23 July at 7.00pm in the Civic Reception Lounge, Municipal Building, Garden Place.
Voting papers will be sent out from 20 September 2013 and must be received by the council by midday on Election Day, 12 October 2013.
For further information on standing as a candidate, visit or contact Jude Pani, Electoral Officer, on