Lakes News:

White Island showing signs of unrest

GNS Science says that minor activity has become re-established at White Island over the last 24 hours. The Volcano Alert Level remains at Level 1 and Aviation Colour Code has been raised to Yellow.

Following an increase in volcanic tremor levels overnight and images of activity on the volcano cameras, a response visit was made this afternoon. Volcanologist Brad Scott reported they saw two styles of activity in the active vent. Audible jets of gas were being shot through the small lake and broader expanding ‘bubbles’ of dark lake sediments and debris were being ejected 20-30 m vertically. The activity is very similar to earlier this year.

The potential for larger, more explosive eruptions that might impact on visitors to the island is always present. Any larger eruptions may occur with no warning to any visitors to the island.

The ultimate outcome of the current activity at White Island remains unclear and GNS Science continues to closely monitor White Island through the GeoNet project. There is no reason to believe this change is related to the Cook Strait earthquakes.


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