Lakes News:

Work to make Taupo safer

Taupo District Council, Taupo Safe District Coalition, police and bar owners are working together to create a safer town centre at night and on weekends with the introduction of radios and bar staff donning high visibility vests. 
This means bar staff at several establishments on and around Tuwharetoa Street are now able to communicate directly with each other and police, to increase safety for the community.
The initiative was co-ordinated by Council’s liquor licensing inspector. Each of the six licensed premises involved has contributed to the cost of the radios. The rest of the money was funded by Taupo Safe District. The high visibility clothing and radios are part of the "bar safe" strategy developed as part of the liquor accord, whose membership includes Council, police and the bars owners. The group was set up to make the central business district safer at nights and weekends.
Taupo police Sergeant, Shane McNally, says it is great to see Council, Taupo Safe District, police and licensees all working together to create a safer environment for the community. "This has been a long time coming and it has the potential to make a huge difference to Taupo and the experience the community and visitors have here," he says.
Consents and Regulatory Manager, David Greaves, says it is good to see bar owners taking responsibility and Council is keen to help out. "It’s going to improve communication between agencies and make our central business district a better place," he says.
The radios are now all up and running and have been positively received by both the public and agencies so far.

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